
In this blog you will find the content about people who are Neuro Diverse. Hopefully this will be helpful to you. If you would like to share your experience in this blog, CLICK HERE here to see how to share your experience. We can help you add content anonymously if you want. Remember, if you think you need professional help with your neuro diversity, you should seek out one.

Design By Themefisher Develop By Gethugothemes
This feels weird, but good? maybe?

This feels weird, but good? maybe?


This is the only public place where I feel comfortable sharing these personal thoughts…

I recently accepted that I have ADHD. More than that tho, I now understand what Neurodiversity means. It explains so much about me….

It is weird
…but I feel happy?

I do know that I need to figure out how to manage this neuro divergence so I can better interact with other neuro beings.

So, after fighting a lot of stigma… …I have a therapist session booked!
